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The Doctors (from Retro TV started airing in Sept 2014) 1967 to 1973 OAD (221 dvds)

(NOTE: missing dvd # 208, 219 & 221)


The Doctors #1: Dec 4,5,6,7,8,11,12/1967 OAD (2hrs, 34 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #2: Dec 13,14,15,18,19,20/1967 OAD (2hrs, 12 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #3: Dec 21,23,25,26,27,28/1967 OAD (2hrs, 11 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #4: Dec 29/1967, Jan 2,3,4,5,8/1968 OAD (2hrs, 12 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #5: Jan 9,10,11,12,15,16/1968 OAD (2hrs, 13 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #6: Jan 17,18,19,22,23/1968 OAD (1hr, 50 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #7: Jan 24,25,26,29,30,31/1968 OAD (2hrs, 12 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #8: Feb 1,2,5,6,7,8/1968 OAD (2hrs, 10 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #9: Feb 9,12,13,14,15,16/1968 OAD (2hrs, 11 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #10: Feb 19,20,21,22,23,26/1968 OAD (2hrs, 10 mins good quality – voices off a bit from picture)

The Doctors #11: Feb 27,28,Mar 1,4,5,6/1968 OAD (2hrs, 10 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #12: Mar 7,8,11,12,13,14/1968 OAD (2hrs, 10 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #13: Mar 15,18,19,20,21,22/1968 OAD (2hrs, 8 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #14: Mar 25,26,27,28,29,Apr 1/1968 OAD (2hrs, 6 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #15: Apr 2,3,4,5,8,9/1968 OAD (2hrs, 6 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #16: Apr 10,11,12,15,16,17/1968 OAD (2hrs, 6 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #17: Apr 18,19,22,23,24,25/1968 OAD (2hrs, 7 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #18: Apr 26,29,30,May 1,2,3/1968 OAD (2hrs, 3 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #19: May 6,7,8,9,10,13/1968 OAD (2hrs, 6 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #20: May 14,15,16,17,20,21/1968 OAD (2hrs, 8 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #21: May 22,23,24,27,28,29/1968 OAD (2hrs, 11 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #22: May 30,31Jun 3,4,5,7/1968 OAD (2hrs, 10 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #23: Jun 10,11,12,13,14,17/1968 OAD (2hrs, 11 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #24: Jun 18,19,20,21,24,25/1968 OAD (2hrs, 11 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #25: Jun 26,27,28,Jul 1,2,3/1968 OAD (2hrs, 11 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #26: Jul 4,5,8,9,10,11/1968 OAD (2hrs, 11 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #27: Jul 12,15,16,17,18,19/1968 OAD (2hrs, 10 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #28: Jul 22,23,24,25,26,30/1968 OAD (2hrs, 12 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #29: Jul 31,Aug 1,2,5,6,7/1968 OAD (2hrs, 11 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #30: Aug 8,9,12,13,14,15/1968 OAD (2hrs, 11 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #31: Aug 16,19,20,2122,23/1968 OAD (2hrs, 12 mins good/very good quality)

The Doctors #32: Aug 26,27,29,30,Sept 2,3/1968 OAD (2hrs, 12 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #33: Sept 4,5,6,9,10,11/1968 OAD (2hrs, 10 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #34: Sept 12,13,16,17,18,19/1968 OAD (2hrs, 11 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #35: Sept 20,23,24,25,26,27/1968 OAD (2hrs, 12 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #36: Sept 30, Oct 1,4,8,11,14/1968 OAD (very good quality)

The Doctors #37: Oct 15,16,17,18,21,22/1968 OAD (2hrs, 10 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #38: Oct 23,24,25,28, Nov 1,4/1968 OAD (2hrs, 10 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #39: Nov 5,6,7,8,11,12/1968 OAD (2hrs, 11 mins very good quality) Nov 8 & 11 – Nick & Althea’s Wedding

The Doctors #40: Nov 13,14,15,18,19,20/1968 OAD (2hrs, 11 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #41: Nov 21,22,25,26,27,29/1968 OAD (2hrs, 11 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #42: Dec 2,3,4,5,6,9/1968 OAD (2hrs, 11 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #43: Dec 10,11,12,13,16,17/1968 OAD (2hrs, 11 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #44: Dec 18,19,20,23,24,25/1968 OAD (2hrs, 10 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #45: Dec 26,27,30,31/1968, Jan 2,3/1969 OAD (2hrs, 10 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #46: Jan 6,7,8,9,10,13/1969 OAD (2hrs, 10 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #47: Jan 14,15,16,17,21,22/1969 OAD (2hrs, 13 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #48: Jan 23,24,27,28,29/1969 OAD (1hr, 50 mins very good quality)

The Doctors #49: Jan 30,31,Feb 3,4,5,6/1969 OAD (very good quality)

The Doctors #50: Feb 7,10,11,12,13,14/1969 OAD (very good quality)

The Doctors #51: Feb 17,18,19,20,21,24/1969 OAD (very good quality)

The Doctors #52: Feb 25,26,27,28,Mar 3,4/1969 OAD (very good quality)

The Doctors #53: Mar 7,10,11,12,13,14/1969 OAD (very good quality)

The Doctors #54: Mar 17,18,19,20,21,24/1969 OAD (very good quality)

The Doctors #55: Mar 25,26,27,28,31,Apr 1/1969 OAD (very good quality)

The Doctors #56: Apr 2,3,4,7,8,9/1969 OAD (very good quality)

The Doctors #57: Apr 10,11,14,15,16,17/1969 OAD (very good quality)

The Doctors #58: Apr 18,21,22,23,24,25/1969 OAD (very good quality)

The Doctors #59: Apr 28,29,30,May 1,2,5/1969 OAD (very good quality)

The Doctors #60: May 6,7,8,9,12,13/1969 OAD (very good quality)

The Doctors #61: May 14,15,16,19,20,21/1969 OAD (very good quality)

The Doctors #62: May 22,23,26,27,28,29/1969 OAD (very good quality)

The Doctors #63: May 30,Jun 2,3,4,5,6/1969 OAD (very good quality)

The Doctors #64: Jun 9,10,11,12,13,16/1969 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #65: Jun 17-20,23,24/1969 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #66: Jun 25-27,30,Jul 1,4/1969 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #67: Jul 7-11,14/1969 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #68: Jul 15-18,22,25/1969 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #69: Jul 28-31,Aug 1,4/1969 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #70: Aug 5-8,11,12/1969 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #71: Aug 13-15,18-20/1969 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #72: Aug 21,22,25-28/1969 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #73: Aug 29,Sept 1-5/1969 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #74: Sept 8-12,15/1969 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #75: Sept 16-19,22,23/1969 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #76: Sept 24-26,29,30,Oct 1/1969 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #77: Oct 2,3,7-10/1969 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #78: Oct 13,17,20-23/1969 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #79: Oct 24,27-31/1969 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #80: Nov 3-7,10/1969 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #81: Nov 11,12,13,14,17,18/1969 OAD (2 hrs, 6 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #82: Nov 19,20,21,24,25,26/1969 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #83: Nov 27,28,Dec 1,2,3,5/1969 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #84: Dec 8,10,11,12,15,16/1969 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #85: Dec 17,18,19,22,23,24/1969 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #86: Dec 25,26,29,30,31/1969,Jan 1/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #87: Jan 2,5,6,7,8,9/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #88: Jan 12,13,14,15,16,19/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #89: Jan 20,21,22,23,26,27/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 8 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #90: Jan 28,29,30,Feb 2,3,4/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 7 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #91: Feb 5,6,9,10,11,12/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #92: Feb 13,16,17,18,19,20/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #93: Feb 23,25,26,27,Mar 2,3/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #94: Mar 4,5,6,9,10,11/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #95: Mar 12,13,16,17,18,19/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #96: Mar 20,23,24,25,26,27/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 8 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #97: Mar 30,31,Apr 1,2,3,6/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #98: Apr 7,8,9,10,13,14/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 7 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #99: Apr 15,16,17,20,21,22/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #100: Apr 23,24,27,28,29,30/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #101: May 1,4,5,6,7,8/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #102: May 11,12,13,14,15,18/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 8 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #103: May 19,20,21,22,25,26/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #104: May 27,28,29,Jun 1,2,3/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #105: Jun 4,5,8,9,10,11/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 8 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #106: Jun 12,15,16,17,18,19/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 7 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #107: Jun 22,23,24,25,26,29/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 8 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #108: Jun 30,Jul 1,2,3,6,7/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 8 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #109: Jul 8,9,17,20,21,22/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 8 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #110: Jul 23,24,27,28,29,30/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 8 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #111: Jul 31, Aug 3,4,5,6,7/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 6 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #112: Aug 10,11,12,13,14,17/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 8 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #113: Aug 18,19,20,21,24,25/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 8 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #114: Aug 26,27,29,30,Sept 1,2/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 8 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #115: Sept 3,4,7,8,9,10/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #116: Sept 11,14,15,16,17,18/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #117: Sept 21,22,23,24,25,28/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 12 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #118: Sept 29,30,Oct 1,2,6,7/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #119: Oct 8,9,12,16,19,20/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #120: Oct 21,22,23,26,27,28/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, good quality)

The Doctors #121: Oct 29,30,Nov 2,3,4,5/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #122: Nov 6,10,11,12,13,16/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #123: Nov 17,18,19,20,23,24/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #124: Nov 25,27,28,29,30,Dec 1/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #125: Dec 2,3,4,7,8,9/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 7 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #126: Dec 10,11,14,15,16,17/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #127: Dec 18,19,22,23,24,25/1970 OAD (2 hrs, 7 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #128: Dec 28,29,30,31/1970, Jan 1,4/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #129: Jan 5,6,7,8,11,12/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #130: Jan 13,14,15,18,19,20/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #131: Jan 21,22,25,26,27,28/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #132: Jan 29, Feb 1,2,3,4,8/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #133: Feb 9,10,11,12,15,16/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #134: Feb 17,18,19,22,23,24/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #135: Feb 25,26, Mar 1,2,3,4/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #136: Mar 5,8,9,10,11,12/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #137: Mar 16,17,18,19,22,23/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #138: Mar 24,25,26,29,30,31/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 8 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #139: Apr 1,2,5,6,7,8/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 8 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #140: Apr 9,12,13,14,15,16/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #141: Apr 19,20,21,22,23,26/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 7 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #142: Apr 27,28,29,30, May 3,4/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #143: May 5,6,7,10,11,12/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 8 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #144: May 13,14,17,18,19,20/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 7 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #145: May 21,24,25,26,27,28/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #146: May 31, Jun 1,2,3,4,7/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 6 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #147: Jun 8,9,10,11,14,15/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 5 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #148: Jun 16,17,18,21,22,23/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 7 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #149: Jun 24,25,28,29,30, Jul 1/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 8 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #150: Jul 2,5,6,7,8,9/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 8 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #151: Jul 12,13,14,15,16,19/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 7 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #152: Jul 20,21,22,23,26,27/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #153: Jul 28,29, Aug 2,3,4,5/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 8 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #154: Aug 6,9,10,11,12,13/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 8 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #155: Aug 16,17,18,19,20,23/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 8 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #156: Aug 24,25,26,27,28,31/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 6 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #157: Sept 1,2,3,6,7,8/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #158: Sept 9,10,13,14,15,16/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #159: Sept 17,20,21,22,23,24/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #160: Sept 27,28,29,30, Oct 1,7/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #161: Oct 8,13,15,18,19,20/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #162: Oct 21,22,25,26,27,28/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #163: Oct 29, Nov 1,2,3,4,5/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #164: Nov 8,9,10,11,12,15/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #165: Nov 16,17,18,19,22,23/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #166: Nov 24,26,29,30,Dec 1,2/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #167: Dec 3,6,7,8,9,10/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #168: Dec 13,14,15,16,17,20/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #169: Dec 22,23,24,27,28,29/1971 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #170: Dec 30/1971, Jan 3,4,5,6,7/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #171: Jan 10,11,12,13,14,17/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #172: Jan 18,19,20,21,24,25/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #173: Jan 26,27,28,31, Feb 1,2/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #174: Feb 3,4,7,8,9,10/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #175: Feb 11,14,15,16,17,18/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #176: Feb 21,22,23,24,25,28/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #177: Feb 29, Mar 1,2,3,8,9/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 9 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #178: Mar 10,13,14,15,16,17/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #179: Mar 20,21,22,23,24,27/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #180: Mar 28,29,30,31, Apr 3,4/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #181: Apr 5,6,7,10,11,12/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #182: Apr 13,14,17,18,19,20/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #183: Apr 24,25,26,27,28 May 1/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #184: May 2,3,4,5,8,9/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #185: May 10,11,12,15,16,17/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #186: May 18,19,22,23,24,25/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #187: May 26,29,30,31,Jun 1,2/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #188: Jun 5,6,7,8,9,12/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #189: Jun 13,14,15,16,19,20/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #190: Jun 21,22,23,26,27,28/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #191: Jun 29,30,Jul 3,4,5,6/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #192: Jul 7,10,11,12,13,14/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #193: Jul 17,18,19,20,21,24/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #194: Jul 25,26,27,28,31/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #195: Aug 2,3,4,7,9,10/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #196: Aug 11,114,15,16,17,18/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #197: Aug 23,24,25,28,29,30/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #198: Aug 31,Sept 1,4,5,7,8/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #199: Sept 11,12,13,14,15,18/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #200: Sept 19,20,21,22,25,26/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 12 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #201: Sept 27,28,29,Oct 2,3,4/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 13 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #202: Oct 5,6,9,13,16,17/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 14 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #203: Oct 18,19,20,23,24,25/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 12 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #204: Oct 26,27,30,31,Nov 1,3/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 13 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #205: Nov 6,7,8,9,10,13/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 13 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #206: Nov 14,15,16,17,20,21/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 13 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #207: Nov 22,24,27,28,30,Dec 1/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 13 mins, very good quality)




The Doctors #209: Dec 12,13,14,15,18,20/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 12 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #210: Dec 21,22,25,26,28,29/1972 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #211: Jan 1,2,3,4,5,8/1973 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #212: Jan 9,10,11,12,15,16/1973 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #213: Jan 17,18,19,22,23,25/1973 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #214: Jan 26,29,30,31,Feb 1,2/1973 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #215: Feb 5,7,8,9,12,13/1973 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #216: Feb 14,15,16,19,20,21/1973 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #217: Feb 22,23,26,27,28,Mar 1/1973 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #218: Mar 2,5,6,7,8,9/1973 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)




The Doctors #220: Mar 20,21,22,23,26,27/1973 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)




The Doctors #222: Apr 5,6,9,10,11,17/1973 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #223: Apr 18,19,20,23,24,25/1973 OAD (2 hrs, 11 mins, very good quality)

The Doctors #224: Apr 26,27,30, May 1,2,3/1973 OAD (2 hrs, 10 mins, very good quality)



Soaps #1

Soapnet Marathon: I Love Lucci (2 dvds, good quality)

1-Aug 12/1970 (30 mins)-prev labelled incorrect as Mar 15/70

2-Apr 20/1970 (30 mins)

3-Nov 27/1979 (1 hr)

4-Feb 16/1983 (1 hr)

5-Nov 25/1986 (1 hr)

6-Feb 9/1988 (1 hr)

7-1991 episode (1 hr)

8-Erica learns Miranda is Bianca’s.


Soaps #2

Soapnet Marathon: Who’s Your Mama AMC (2 dvds, aired on soapnet May 7/2005, very good quality)

AMC Original Airdates 2004:  Mar 22,23, May 24, Nov 4, Dec 7,27/2004


Soaps #3

All My Children Anniversary Edit – 2 dvds

AMC 20th Anniversary (ok/snowy quality)

Oprah: AMC Cast (ok/snowy quality)

AMC 25th Anniversary (good quality) Oprah: AMC Cast (good quality)

AMC 30th Anniversary (very good quality)

Behind The Lens: Walt Willey, Susan Lucci (25 mins, good quality)

Behind The Lens: Walt Willey (very good quality)

Donahue: AMC Cast (ok/good quality)

Oprah: Jean Leclerc/Kate Collins (poor/snowy quality)

AMC Bloopers (poor quality)

AMC 35th Anniversary (very good quality)

Hot Summer Soaps (good quality)

Promos AMC (good quality)

Soap Talk AMC 35th Anniversary (very good quality)

Soap Center: AMC (good quality)


Soaps #4

One Life To Live: A Daytime To Remember (1 dvd, ok/good quality)


Soaps #5

Soap Talk: Martha Madison (DOOL) & Michelle Stafford (Y&R) (1 hr, good quality)

Soap Talk: Farah Fath, Rick Hearst, Corbin Bernsen, Gene Cooper (1 hr, good quality)


Soaps #6

Soap Talk: Christian Leblanc (1 hr, excellent quality)


Soaps #7

Soap Talk: Adrienne Leon & Nancy Lee Grahn GH (1 hr, very good quality)

Soap Talk: Erika Slezak OLTL (1 hr, very good quality)


Soaps #8

Soap Talk: Joe Mascolo (B&B) (1 hr, ok/good quality)


Soaps #9

Soap Talk: Tracey Bregman (1 hr, excellent quality)


Soaps #10

Soap Talk: (1 hr each, good quality) 1-Jackie Zeman

2-GL Kim Zimmer & Robert Newman

3-PC Kelly Monaco, Y&R David Lago

4-Lindo Dano, Y&R Lauren Woodland


Soaps #11

Soap Talk: Y&R Judith Chapman, Days Martha Madison (1 hr, very good quality)

Soaps #12

Soap Talk: (42 mins each, ok/good quality)

1-Alison Sweeney & Bryan Dattilo

2-Alison Sweeney & Christie Clark

3-Kristen Storms & Rebecca Buddig


Soaps #13

Soap Talk: AMC Tonya Pinkins (1 hr, excellent quality)


Soaps #14

Soap Talk: Nancy Lee Grahn GH, Michael Graziedei Y&R (1 hr, very good quality)


Soaps #15

Soap Talk: (1 hr each, ok/good quality)

1-GL Aubrey Dollar

2-Suzanne Rogers

3-Aidan Turner AMC

4-Robert S Woods OLTL

5-B&B Darlene Conley, Eric Winters DOOL

6-PC Ian Buchanan


Soaps #16

Soap Talk:

1-Robin Mattson, Kimberlin Brown (1 hr, ok/good quality) 2-Billy Warlock (1 hr, ok/good quality)

3-AMC Disney (1 hr, ok/good quality)

4-Brittney Powell (1 hr, ok/good quality)

5-Ricky Paul Goldin GL (1 hr, ok/good quality)

6-Marj Dusay GL (34 mins, ok/good quality)


Soaps #17

Soap Talk & Soap Center:

1-Soap Center: John J York, Billy Warlock (30 mins, very good quality)

2-Soap Center: Jason Cook, B&B Brook/Taylor (30 mins, very good quality)

3-Soap Talk: Kimberlin Brown, Charlene Tilton Dallas (1 hr, good quality)

4-Soap Center: Jackie Zeman, Kin Shriner (30 mins, good quality)

5-Soap Talk: Rick Hearst, Arianne Zucker (30 mins, good quality)

6-Soap Center: Soap star home tours, Maurice Benard fan, Passions Tabitha (30 mins, good quality)

7-Soap Talk: Peter Reckell, Kelly Kruger (1 hr, good quality)

8-Soap Center: Scott Reeves, Laura Wright (30 mins, good quality)

9-Soap Talk: Joe Mascolo (30 mins, good quality)


Soaps #18

Soap Center: (30 mins each, good quality)

1-Days 35th, GH Mad TV

2-Days, GL, PC

3-GL Kim Zimmer, Days, GH Wally Kurth

4-Cameron Mathison at Emmy’s

5-NBC Soap Fan Fest, Kassie DePaiva, Ron Raines

6-Passions, GH Quartermaines

7-Chad Brannon

8-PC Gabriella

9-Tonya Lee Williams

10-Passions, GH Helena

11-Jesse Ventura, GH Fan Breakfast

12-Days Kate Roberts


Soaps #19

Soap Talk: Christian Leblanc, Billy Ray & Miley Cyrus (1 hr, good quality)

Soapography: Kassie DePaiva, James Reynolds (30 mins, good quality)

Soapography: Jess Walton, Austin Peck (30 mins, good quality)


Soaps #20


1-Peter Reckell (11 mins, very good quality)

2-James Reynolds (6 mins, very good quality) 3-Crystal Chappell (9 mins, very good quality)

4-Julie Pinsen (10 mins, very good quality)

5-Austin Peck (7 mins, very good quality)

6-Suzanne Rogers(10 mins, very good quality)

7-Game Show-Julie Pinsen,Dattilo,Alison Sweeney DOOL, Galen Gering, James Hyde Passions (29 mins, very good quality) 8-Kyle Lowder (8 mins, very good quality)

9-Christie Clark (10 mins, very good quality) 10-Lisa Rinna (11 mins, very good quality) 11-Interviews: various – Deidre Hall, Austin Peck, Donny & Marie (37 mins, ok quality)


Soaps #21

Soapography: (30 mins each, good quality)

1-Farah Fath/Satterfield


3-Judi Evans/Jennifer Candon

4-Jackie Zeman/Amelie Heinle

5-Corbin Bernsen/Tracey Bregman

6-Jess Walton/Austin Peck

7-Bobbie Eakes/Ben Masters

8-I Day With Wally Kurth.. Dattilo (30 mins, good quality)


Soaps #22

1-Soapography: Bryan Dattilo (6 mins, very good quality)

2-Behind the Lens: Rachel Melvin, Darrin Brooks, Ashley Benson (5 mins, very good quality)

3-Soap Talk: Alison Sweeney (15 mins, very good quality)

4-Soap Talk: Deidre Hall (6 mins, very good quality)

5-Soap Talk: Kyle Brandt (10 mins, very good quality)

6-1 Day With Matt Ashford (20 mins, very good quality)   -Soap Talk: Dattilo (20 mins, very good quality)

7-Soapography: Joe Mascolo (9 mins, very good quality)

8-1 Day With Bryan Dattilo (20 mins, very good quality)

9-Soapography: Melissa Reeves (10 mins, very good quality)

10-Soap Talk: Dattilo (13 mins, very good quality) 11-Soap Talk: Kristen Storms (13 mins, very good quality)

12-Remembering McDonald Carey (11 mins, ok quality)

13-1 Day With Arianne Zucker (20 mins, very good quality)

14-Soapography:Matt Ashford (6 mins, very good quality)

15-Soapography:Judi Evans (11 mins, very good quality)

16-Soapography: Farah Fath (9 mins, very good quality)


Soaps #23

1-1    Day With Kathy Brier (30 mins, good quality)

2-Soapography: Christie Clark, Don Hastings (very good quality)

3-Soapography: Galen Gering, Victoria Rowell (30 mins, very good quality)

4-1 Day With Sean Kanan (30 mins, good quality) 5-Soap Talk: Strasser OLTL (1 hr, ok/snowy quality)

6-Soap Talk: Various - Marcia Cross, Jack Wagner, Y&R Set, Kari Wuhrer ( 1 hr, ok quality)

7-Soap Talk: Various – GL Michael OLeary, Billy Warlock, Peter Bergman, Julie Pinsen (1 hr, ok/good quality)

8-1 Day With Alison Sweeney (ok quality)


Soaps #24

1 Day With Wally Kurth… Matt Ashford (30 mins, good quality) 1 Day With Wally Kurth… Kathy Brier (30 mins, good quality)

1 Day With Wally Kurth… Scott Clifton (30 mins, good quality)


-Tristan Rogers (10 mins, good quality) -Ilene Kristen (18 mins, good quality)

-Lisa Rinna/Walt Willey (30 mins, good quality) -Deidre Hall/Kristoff St. John (30 mins, good quality)

-Tyler Christopher/Sydney Penny (30 mins, good quality)

-Zeman/Heinle (30 mins, good quality)


Soaps #25

1-Soap Talk: Crystal Chappell, Melissa Reeves (44 mins, good quality)

2-UK Behind the Scenes DOOL (4 mins, very good quality)


Soaps #26

Soap Talk: Greys Anatomy Chandra Wilson, Passions Kathleen Noone (1 hr, very good quality) Soap Talk: Dancing With The Stars, GH Courtney (1 hr, very good quality)

They Started on Soaps: Katie Holmes, Sarah Michelle Gellar, John Stamos, etc (1 hr, excellent quality)


Soaps #27

Soap Talk Special: Days Cast DOOL 40th Nov 7/2005 (very good quality)

DOOL 1965: First 2 episodes (very good quality, from soapnet)

DOOL 1965: Episode #3,4,5 Christmas Eve 1965 (poor quality)

DOOL Nov 25/2005 40th Anniversary (very good quality)


Soaps #28

Leeza Talk Show – Days cast (Jensen Ackles, Drake Hogestyn, Joe Mascolo…) (1 hr, good quality)

-few other interviews/talk shows but they are poor/ok quality


Soaps #29

Alison Sweeney:

1-Celebrity Cooking Showdown (41 mins, very good quality)

2-Crossing Over (13 mins, very good quality)

3-Soapography (10 mins, very good quality)

4-Soap Center Ali’s Home (4 mins, very good quality)

5-House (3 mins, poor quality)

6-Wedding (1 min, poor quality)

7-Roseanne (3 mins, poor quality)

8-Rosie (6 mins, very good quality)

9-Sharon (8 mins, very good quality)

10-E! Pure Soap (11 mins, poor quality)

11-Leeza (16 mins, poor quality)

12-Soap Center (2 mins, very good quality)

13-Soap Center (8 mins, very good quality)

14-Search Party (29 mins, poor quality)


Soaps #30

TV Land Guest Stars (23 mins, good quality)

Soap Talk: Joan Van Ark, Ted Shackleford (24 mins, ok/good quality)

Bloopers: Dallas/Knots Landing (4 mins, ok/good quality)

Oprah: Olsen Twins (poor quality)

Full House Bloopers (5 mins, poor quality)


Soaps #31

7th Soap Opera Awards 1990 (1 ½ hrs, good quality)

8th Soap Opera Awards 1991 (1 ½ hrs, good quality)

Soap Talk: Robin Mattson 2003 (10 mins, good quality)

Family Feud 1982 (Edge of Night, General Hospital) (30 mins, ok/good quality)


Soaps #32

46th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards 1994 (2 ½ hrs, ok quality)

GH – Luke/Laura Wed Nov 15/1981 (ok/good quality)

Another World Reunion – Soapnet (very good quality)

Santa Barbara Finale ( very good quality)


Soaps #33

Days Aug 19,20,21,22/2008 (US dates)

Ryans Hope #567,568 (2 eps, 1977, good quality)

1 Day With Wally Kurth… Bryan Dattilo (30 mins, ok/good quality)


Soaps #34

Tyra Banks Show: Soap Opera Spectacular Jan 26/2007 (1 hr, very good quality)


Soaps #35

Today Show Dec 8/2009: Alison Sweeney (good quality)


Soaps #36

Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade 2009: James Scott, Kristian Alfonso (approx 3 hrs, good quality)


Soaps #37:

OLTL 25th Anniversary Show Special July 15/1993 (1 hr, ok quality)

Oprah – Classic Soap Stars (1/2 hr, ok quality)

50 yrs of Soaps All Star Celebration Oct 27/1994 (2 hrs ok/good quality)

All Star Party for Aaron Spelling (1 hr, ok/good quality)

Oprah TV Guide Readers Poll Aug 14/1986 (ok/good quality)


Soaps #38

PLANET SOAP: (1/2 hr each show, with commercials) (13 episodes, 2 dvds)

DVD #1 (8 episodes)

SOAP 911 – GL, Y&R, Passions, GH, Days Tearful deathbed vigils, emotional farewells, and a young woman who gets buried alive. More campy capers  from Planet Soap. RELATIVE INSANITY - B&B, Y&R, GL

Bust-ups, sex-mad husband snatchers and mothers and daughters who scrap it out, tooth and nail. It’s Planet Soap’s version of Happy Families! Jerry Springer joins the in fun. BAD FOR BUSINESS – GL, B&B, AMC

If soap characters behaved like they do in real life, they’d all get their pink slips for wrecking 9 to 5!  It’s time for them to defend their office brawls, shady deals and tyrannical behavior. SEXY SUPER COUPLES – Y&R, Passions, Days, ATWT They’re the soap couples that make daytime TV sizzle – but those steamy moments on screen are real life passion killers for the actors. ADDICTED TO LOVE – AMC, GL, GH, Y&R Daytime Diva Susan Lucci, whose All My Children character Erica Kane has been married 11 times, is among those to examine their on-screen rollercoaster love lives. LIFE…EXAGGERATED – GL, AMC, Y&R Life on Planet Soap is bigger, more volatile and intense. Soap stars recall the moments that shocked the nation, surprised soap fans, and brought big ratings to daytime. SO YOU WANT TO BE A SOAP STAR? – AMC It takes more that good looks to be a soap star! Cameron Mattison reveals what it really takes to make it big in the high pressure, one-take world of daytime television.

TERROR COMES TO TOWN – Days, Y&R, OLTL, Passions Blood soaked rampages, demonic possession and blackmailers with shocking secrets of their own – it all happens on  Planet Soap! DVD #2


On Planet Soap, you can always come back from the dead – even if you’ve been blown up, decapitated or cursed into a sleeping beauty coma!  VILLAINS WE LOVE TO HATE – Y&R, B&B Kimberlin Brown  - better known as Psycho Sheila from The Young and the Restless -  brought chaos to the Forrester Family when she appeared on sister soap show The Bold and the Beautiful. HOTTEST HUNKS – AMC,GH,Y&R Soap studs reveal what it’s really like to be an object of daytime desire in this special flesh fest episode. CATFIGHTS – Y&R,GL,AMC From hair pulling hissy fits to strangulations with phone cords and mud wrestling to the death, the feisty females of Planet Soap always play dirty! SUPERHEROES – Days, GL, GH, Passions When you’re at the mercy of soap writers, just about anything can happen to you!  Regular Joes can turn into Demon Slayers and real life comic book heroes.

Soaps #39:

Saturday Night Live: GH James Franco SNL Dec 20/2009  (1 ½ hrs with commercials, excellent quality) 1 DVD


Soaps #40:

Daytime Emmy Awards DVD 

30th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards 2003 – May 16, 2003 (2 hrs, 39 mins)

** missing the very beginning


Soaps #41:

Daytime Emmy Awards DVD

31st Annual Daytime Emmy Awards 2004 - May 21, 2004 (2 hrs)

32nd Annual Daytime Emmy Awards 2005 - May 20, 2005 (2 hrs)


Soaps #42:

Daytime Emmy Awards DVD

33rd  Annual Daytime Emmy Awards 2006 - April 28, 2006 (3 hrs)


Soaps #43:

Daytime Emmy Awards DVD

34th  Annual Daytime Emmy Awards 2007 - June 15, 2007 (2 hrs)


Soaps #44:

Daytime Emmy Awards DVD

35th  Annual Daytime Emmy Awards 2008 - June 20, 2008 (2 hrs,excellent quality with commercials)

Maurice Benard: Bipolar Disorder - Oprah Sept 24/07  (1 hr, excellent quality with commercials)


Soaps #45: Daytime Emmy Awards DVD

36th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards 2009, plus Emmy’s Red Carpet 1 hour Aug 30,2009 (Red Carpet 1 hr plus Emmy’s 2 hrs, 3 hrs total excellent quality) 1 DVD


Soaps #46:

Dr Oz Show – Soap Edition-2010 (1 hr, excellent quality) – Alison Sweeney, Maurice Benard, Walt Willey, Eileen Fulton, Kassie De Paiva, Kristoff St John


Soaps #47:

Daytime To Remember: Original Air Date (Daytime To Remember air date) (very good quality)

AMC 1970 (3/31/97)

AMC 1983 (4/9/27)

OLTL 1979 (4/22/97)

AMC 1988 (4/11/97)

AMC 1983 (4/4/97)

GH 1981 (5/12/97)

GH 1981 (5/13/97)

GH Jan 25/82 (May 14-15/97)

GH 1984 (May 16/97)

GH 1985 (5/19/97)

OLTL May 12/87 (4/30/97)


Soaps #48:

Daytime To Remember: Original Air Date (Daytime To Remember air date) (very good quality)

AMC 1983 (Apr 9/97)

OLTL Nov 12/1979 (Apr 24/97)

OLTL Mar 6/79 (Apr 23/97)

OLTL 1992? (Apr 17/97)

AMC 1992 (Apr 17/97)

GH Nov 20/1964

AMC 1989 (Apr 14/97)

GH May 24/1990 (May 7/97)

GH Jun 2/1980 (May 8/97)

AMC 1992 (Apr 18/97)

AMC 1979 (Apr 1/97)

AMC 1980 (Apr 3/97)

AMC 1979 (Apr 2/97)

AMC 1989 (Apr 15/97)

OLTL 1987 (Apr 29/97)


Soaps #49:

Daytime To Remember: Original Air Date (Daytime To Remember air date) (very good quality)

GH 1985 (May 20/97)

GH May 25/86 (May 21/97)

GH June 1986 (May 22/97)

OLTL Apr 17/86 (Apr 28/97)

GH Aug 6/80 (May 9/97)

GH May 20/94 (May 30/97)

AMC 1983 (Apr 7/97)

AMC 1989 (Apr 16/97)

OLTL 1992 (May 2/97)

GH 1980 (May 6/97)

OLTL 1976 (May 2/97)

OLTL 1982 (Apr 28/97)


Soaps #50:

Daytime To Remember: Original Air Date (Daytime To Remember air date) (very good quality)

GH Dec 7,8/1993,1994 episode (May 27,28,29/97)


Soaps #51: (good quality)

ATWT 40th Anniversary – Apr 2/1995

ATWT 10,000th episode – May 12/1995

Guiding Light: A Tribute to Michael Zaslow 1993/1999

Guiding Light: Primetime Special Jun 12/1992


Soaps #52:

The Young & The Restless: Feb 2004 ep (partial), Feb 25, Mar 3/1999, Oct 11, Sept 14 (partial),Aug 30,Oct 27/2004 (good quality)

ATWT Mar 31/2006 – 50th Sitcom Characters episode (ok/good quality)


Soaps #53:

Marsha Warfield – Melanie Thomas Scott Y&R (17 mins, ok quality)

Soapography – Eric Braeden Y&R, Catherine Hickland OLTL (30 mins, very good quality)

Soapography – Julia Barr AMC (12 mins, good quality)

Donahue: AMC Stars May 13/1993 (1hr, good quality)

E! THS S5E22 May 20/2001 Y&R (1 hr, good quality)

One Day With Allison Sweeney (14 mins, good quality)


Soaps #54: (1 DVD) Daytime Emmy Awards DVD

37th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards 2010 Jun 27,2010 (2 hrs, excellent quality)

Dr Oz Jan 28/2010 GH Robin/Patrick (1 hr, excellent quality)


Soaps #55: (1 DVD) Soapnets Biggest Heartbreaks (2 hrs, very good quality)

-episodes from GH,PC,AMC,OLTL


Soaps #56: (1 DVD, excellent quality, full episodes - aired in 2009/2010 but I listed the original airdates for each episode)

Y&R Dec 5/2005 Michael & Lauren’s Wedding (1 hr, re-aired 2009)

AMC Aug 31/2004 (1 hr)

GH Dec 1/2005 (1 hr)

ET Entertainment Tonight Oct 21/2010 Soap Stars from AMC,OLTL & GH photo shoot in mountains (30 mins)

Soaps #57: (1 DVD, good quality)

WHAT IF… Web Series (ABC Soaps – OLTL, GH, AMC)

-What If Blair Cramer met Tad Martin (I Suck At Love)

-What If John McBain met Sam McCall (Love In An Elevator)

-What If Luke met Viki (Pain In My Heart)

-What If Dante met Jess (I Might Like You Better If We Slept Together)

-What If Starr met Jesse & Angie (Why Did I Get Married)

-What If Todd Manning met Damien Spinelli (Fear Of Flying)

-What If Erica met Sonny (Love In  A Time Of Claustrophobia)

-What If Carly met Ryan (How To Be Bad)

-What If Rex Balson met Maxie Jones (Learning To Fly)

-What If Greenlee met Jason (Blame It On The Alcohol)

-What If… Behind The Scenes


Soaps #58: (1 DVD, 4 hrs, excellent quality)

The View  Nov 19/2010 (Hot Guys of ABC Soaps Jordi Vilasuso, Chad Duell, John-Paul Lavoisier, David Gregory)

Hot Guys of ABC Daytime: (AMC, OLTL, GH) aired Jan 19/2011 (original airdates listed below)

AMC Feb 12/2003 Fan Fave episode (Tad & Erica fantasy wedding episode)

OLTL Feb 20/2006 GH May 27/1996


Soaps #59: (1 DVD, 4 hrs, excellent quality)

Oprah Nov 2/2010 Ricky Martin

The View Jan 19/2011 (Ted King OLTL)

The View Feb 2/2011 (Ricky Martin)

Oprah Feb 9/2011 (Soap icons Jeanne Cooper (Katherine Chancellor, Y&R), Michael E. Knight (Tad Martin, AMC), and Darnell Williams and Debbi Morgan (Jesse and Angie Hubbard, AMC) for a legendary soap star spectacular. 


Soaps #60: (1 DVD, 3 hrs, excellent quality)

ABC Fan Fave Weddings (aired Feb 11/2011, OAD listed below)

AMC May 24/2005 (Erica & Jack Wedding) GH Dec 29/2008 (Patrick & Robin Wedding) OLTL Nov 14/1995 (Todd & Blair Wedding)

Soaps #61: (1 DVD, 4 hrs, excellent quality)

HOT IN CLEVELAND “I Love Lucci Parts 1 & 2” - AMC crossover

42ND NAACP Awards: Mar 4/2011 (2 hrs, excellent quality)

Castle “One Life To Lose” Mar 21/2011 (guest stars Rebecca Budig & Cameron Mathison)


Soaps #62: Y&R (1 DVD, approx 3 ½ hrs, excellent quality)

Y&R Shemar Moore wishes Y&R 40th Anniversary (approx 1 min)

Y&R Sept 5/2002 OAD (re-aired Nov 22/2012, 1hr) Victor & Nikki’s wedding.

Price Is Right Mar 26/2013 (Y&R 40th Anniversary, 1hr)

The Talk Mar 25/2013 (Y&R 40th Anniversary, 1hr)

ET Canada Apr 2/2013 Y&R (30 mins)


Soaps #63: (1 dvd, approx 3 hrs, excellent quality)

Jeff Probst show with Rick Springfield Nov /21/2012 (54 mins, missing first couple mins)

Jeff Probst show with Lisa Rinna Feb 22/2013 (1 hr)

Days Jun 24/1997 OAD (re-aired Nov 2012)


Soaps #64: 38TH Annual Daytime Emmy Awards: Jun 19/2011 (excellent quality) 1 dvd

-approx 2hrs (missing a few minutes at about 25 mins into the show, due to satellite signal loss)


Soaps #65

Soapnet Marathon: AMC I Love Lucci #2 (dvd, aired on Soapnet in Sept 2011, very good quality)

-PLEASE NOTE: Soapnet aired 5 eps for this I Love Lucci #2 marathon, however 1 episode was already on the I Love Lucci #1 set so isn’t included in this set.

1- Erica is Drugged:  Episode #1996-06725 (Original Air Date 1/19/96) - Erica gives a shocking speech when she accepts the “Media Woman of the Year” award while high on pills. Also: After Lamaze class with Edmund, Kelsey thinks she’s going into labor; Janet panics when she learns Amanda has pneumonia. 2- Bianca Comes Out:  Episode #2000-07991 (Original Air Date 12/22/00) - Erica’s in denial when Bianca announces she’s gay. Also: Ryan and Gillian spend a special Christmas together; Mateo is upset when Hayley wants to turn herself into the police for killing her mother; Tad and Dixie celebrate the holiday together despite Leslie’s efforts. 3- Miranda is Returned:  Episode #2004-09008 (Original Air Date 12/27/04) - Erica implores Bianca to come out of her coma. It’s a Christmas miracle when Bianca then opens her eyes and Erica reunites her with baby Miranda. Also: J.R. is furious with Adam for the loss of Bess and tells him he’s no longer his father. 4- Jackson & Erica’s Wedding:  Episode #2005-09113 (Original Air Date 5/24/05) - Surrounded by their families, Erica and Jackson are married in Boca Raton. Soaps #66

Soapnet Marathon: AMC Last Chance For Romance #2 (2 dvds, aired on Soapnet in Sept 2011, very good quality)

Please Note: #7 & 8 below were not part of the Last Chance for Romance but just added to fill up the dvd.

DVD #1

1- Cliff & Nina’s Wedding: Episode #1980-02768 (Original Air Date 9/3/80) - Cliff and Nina are married in a fairy tale wedding. Also: Pregnant with Cliff’s baby, Sybil is not happy about his marriage to Nina; Tom and Erica fight when she has to attend a business dinner on their anniversary. 2- Greg & Jenny’s Wedding: Episode #1984-03659 (Original Air Date 2/14/84) - In front of family and friends, Jenny and Greg are married. Also: Palmer discovers the truth of why the Chandlers have come to Pine Valley; Adam sets his sights on Erica. 3- Tad & Dixie Reunited: Episode #1993-05997 (Original Air Date 3/4/93) - When Tad finally convinces Dixie he’s alive and on the other side of the door, the two are joyfully reunited. Also: Hayley and Charlie find Brian and Junior on the run; Opal and Palmer are reunited with Junior. 4- Ryan & Gillian’s 2nd Weding: Episode #2001-08064 (Original Air Date 4/9/01) - Ryan and Gillian share a romantic wedding filled with surprises. Also: Leo and Greenlee have a last minute change in plans when he remembers he has the wedding rings; while on the witness stand, David admits his guilt about the drugs to Dixie. 5- Leo & Greenlee’s Wedding: Episode #2002-08387 (Original Air Date 7/15/02) - Leo and Greenlee are married in an intimate wedding in the boathouse. Also: Anna and David debate whether to tell Greenlee that her father’s been shot; Tad and Brooke try to find Maria. 6- Zach & Kendall Reconcile: Episode #2005-9256 (Original Air Date 12/15/05) - Romance is in the air as Zach and Kendall prepare to divorce in the Caribbean. Also: J.R. tries to warn Jamie about Amanda; Babe visits Josh at work and Erica kicks her out of her studio. DVD #2

7- Erica & Jackson’s Wedding

8- Jessie & Angie’s Wedding 2008 (2 eps) 9- Jessie & Angie Reunited: Episode #2008-9811 (Original Air Date 2/18/08) - A stunned Angie and Jesse share an emotional reunion at the train station. Also: Erica is arrested at the fashion show she’s hosting; Greenlee tells Aidan that Kendall may be pregnant.


Soaps #67

Dirty Soap Season 1 (4 dvds, 8 episodes, very good quality, 2011)


Soaps #68 (1 dvd)

GH 30th Anniversary (ok/not great quality)

GH 1963 – 2 episodes. (ok, black & white quality)

GH 1975 – 2 episodes. (ok, black & white quality)

GH 10,000th episode (good quality)

AMC 1970 episode (good, black & white quality)

SFT 1967 Christmas episode (ok, black & white quality)


Soaps #69 (1 dvd)

Somerset 1970 (10 mins, poor quality)

GH Apr 1, 1963 (1st episode, poor quality)

GH Mar 3/1968 (ok quality)

GH Apr 1968 episode (ok quality)

OLTL Jul 11,1969 (poor quality)


Soaps #70 (1 dvd)

GH 1983 Luke’s Death (Soapnet, very good quality)

GH 1981 Heathers Scenes

OLTL 1987 episode (poor quality)

GH 1996 Nurses Ball (ok/not great quality)

GH 1975 Spring episode (poor quality)


Soaps #71 (1 dvd, ok quality)

GL: Tribute to Michael Zaslow

ATWT 40th Anniversary

ATWT 10,000th episode

GL: Primetime Special


Soaps #72 (1 dvd, ok quality)

Days: 40th Anniversary show

2003 Daytime Emmys

ATWT Kathryn Hayes 25th Anniversary

2001 Daytime Emmys


Soaps #73 (1 dvd, ok quality)

AW: Victoria W – 25 yrs as Rachel

AW: Summer Desire Jun 23/1992

Days: Night Sins Primetime Show

AMC 25 & 35th Anniversary Specials


Soaps #74 (excellent quality, approx 4 hrs, some commercials)

The Chew: Sept 24,25,26,27,28/2012 - Soap Week featuring some GH actors (Julie Marie Berman, Ingo Rademacher, Finola Hughes, Erik Valdez)


Soaps #75 – (1 dvd, approx 2 ½ hrs, excellent quality)

40th  Annual Daytime Emmy Awards 2013 - June 16, 2013


Soaps #76 (1 dvd approx 4 hrs)

            The Chew (Laura Wright 2012)

            39th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards Jun 23/2012 (missing few mins near end but not the end)


Soaps #77

The Talk: Daytime Emmy After Party May 6/2019 (1 hr)

Dr Oz: Susan Lucci Jan 31/2020 (1 hr)

47th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards Jun 26/2020 (2 hrs)

ET Jul 22/2020 B&B (4 mins)

ET Jul 28/2020 B&B (3 mins)


Soaps #78 (good quality, 5hrs 10 mins)

AW/Days/Y&R/B&B/ATWT/GL December 18/1995 (don’t need BB epi-on other dvd)


Soaps #79 BCEFA (Broadway Cares Equity Fights Aids) presents All My Children 35th Anniversary Concert Feb 7/2005 (OFFICIAL)

Aiden Turner, Alexa Havins, Alicia Minshew, Bobbie Eakes,Cameron Mathison,Christian Campbell, David Canary, Eden Riegel, Elizabeth Hendrickson, Eva La Rue, Jacob Young, James Mitchell, James Scott, Jill Larson, John Callahan,Kathy Brier, Leven Rambin, Michael Jordan, Michael Knight, Rebecca Budig, Tanisha Lynn, Terri Ivens, Thorsten Kaye, Vincent Irizarry, Vincent Irizarry, Walt Willey

Soaps #80 BCEFA ABC Daytime Salutes Broadway Feb 6/2006 (OFFICIAL)

Aiden Turner, Bobbie Eakes, Cady McClain, Catherine Hickland, David Canary, Erika Slezak, Jacob Young, Jill Larson, Kassie DePaiva, Kathy Brier, Kerry Butler, Kimberly McCullough, Kristen Alderson, Matt Metzger, Renee Goldsberry, Rick Hearest, Robin Strasser, Scott Clifton, Susan Lucci, Sydney Penny, Tervor St. John, Vincent Irizarry, Walt Willey

Soaps #81 BCEFA ABC Daytime Salutes Broadway Feb 25/2007 (OFFICIAL)

Anthony Geary, Stephen DeRosa, Ashley Brown, Bobbie Eakes, Cameron Mathison, Catherine Hickland, Eden Riegel, Jacob Young, Jeffrey Carlson, Josh Strickland, Joy Behar, Kassie DePaiva, Kimberly McCullough, Kristen Alderson, Renee Goldsberry, Susan Lucci, Sydney Penny, Walt Willey, Kamar De Los Reyes

Soaps #82 BCEFA ABC Daytime Salutes Broadway Mar 2/2008 (OFFICIAL)

Amanda Baker, BethAnn Bonner, Kathy Brier, Billy Miller, Bobbie Eakes, Bradford Anderson, Sonya Eddy, Bree Williamson, Brian Kerwin, Cameron Mathison, Chrishell Stause, Colin Egglesfield, Farah Fath,Catherine Hickland, Hillary B. Smith, Jason Tam, John-Paul Lavoisier, Justis Bolding, Kamar De Los Reyes, Kassie DePaiva, Kimberly McCullough, Kristen Alderson, Melissa Claire Egan, Rebecca Budig, Robin Strasser, Sean Palmer, Sierra Boggess, Sterling Sulieman, Susan Lucci, Tika Sumpter, Walt Willey

Soaps #83 BCEFA ABC Daytime Salutes Broadway Mar 9/2009 (OFFICIAL)

Anthony Geary, BethAnn Bonner, Bobbie Eakes, Bradford Anderson, Brandon Barash, Brittany Underwood, Chrishell Staus, Kathy Brier, Chrishell Stause, Darnell Williams, David Alvarez, Eden Riegel, Hillary B. Smith, Jacob Young, Jason Tam, Jill Wolins, Kassie DePaiva, Kiril Kulish, Kristen Alderson, Mark Lawson, MelissaClaire Egan, Mindy Wallace, Ricky Paull Goldin, Scott Clifton, Susan Lucci, Trent Kowalik, Walt Willey

Soaps #84 BCEFA ABC Daytime Salutes Broadway Mar 21/2010 (OFFICIAL)


Soaps #85

AMC KICKOFF LUNCHEON JULY 2011 (very good quality)


Soaps #86

AMC SOAPNET MARATHON: EDMUND & MARIA (4 episodes, 1 dvd, very good quality)

Episode 1: 1993 Edmund & Maria make love

Episode 2: 1994- Maria & Edmund Wedding Day #1 (3/11/94?)

Episode 3: 1994- Edmund and Maria's wedding day #2. They complete the romantic Catholic ceremony and take off in a horse drawn carriage.

Episode 4: 1995 (2/22/95?) Edmund shows up for his funeral


Soaps #87

AMC MARATHON: ANGIE & JESSE ARE BACK! (aired Jan 13/2008 3 1/2 hours, very good quality)

Episode #3588 (OAD NOV 7/83) – Jesse sees his newborn son for the first time but soon learns that Angie has already signed adoption papers.

Episode #3618 (OAD DEC 19/83) – Jesse and Angie's second wedding.

Episode #3

Special: 1/2 hour special on their return


Soaps #88

AMC HALEY & MATEO MARATHON: 5 Complete Episodes - 4 hours (some commercials deleted, very good quality)

MAY 1995 Day They Met

AUG 1996 Mateo Proposes First Time

MAY 1997 Haley & Mateo Wedding #1

JUNE 1999 Haley Decides to Move Out

JAN 2000 Mateo Proposes Again


Soaps #89

AMC TAD THE CAD SOAPNET MARATHON: 7 episodes (2 dvds, very good quality)

FEB 2003 Tad and Erica - Fan Feb episode

1983 Tad and Liza

1983 Tad and Marian

APR 30/96 Tad and Dixie

1996 Tad and Dixie

2003 Tad, Simone, and Krystal

Love On The Rocks Soapnet Marathon Episode - Dixie has it out with Tad over his affair with maniacal Leslie


Soaps #90

AMC ERICA WEDDINGS #1 - 8 eps (2 dvds, very good quality)

Erica & Tom's Wedding 9/6/78

Erica & Adam's First Wedding Original ABC Airdate: 3/8/84

Erica & Adam's Second Wedding Original ABC Airdate: 12/13/91

Erica & Dimitri's First Wedding - Original ABC Airdate: 6/22/93

Erica & Dimitri's Second Wedding - Original ABC Airdate: 12/04

Erica & Travis' First Wedding Original ABC Airdate: 2/16/88 with commercials

Erica & Travis' Second Wedding Original ABC Airdate: 5/21/90 with commercials

Erica & Jack 2003

? 11/1/94 Jack Proposes to Erica, on a runway for a photo shoot, she is in a bridal gown


Soaps #91

AMC WEDDINGS #1 (8 eps, very good quality, 2 dvds)

Nina & Cliff's Wedding Original ABC Airdate: 9/3/80 Jenny & Greg's Wedding Original ABC Airdate: 02/14/84 Dixie & Tad's Wedding Original ABC Airdate: 12/29/89 Liza & Adam's Wedding Original ABC Airdate: 12/20/96 Marian & Stuart's Wedding Original ABC Airdate: 2/19/99 Hayley & Mateo's First Wedding Original ABC Airdate: 5/97 Edmund & Maria - 2 original episodes - soapnet March 11, 1994 Soapnet's Unforgettable Wedding Special Nov 2001


Soaps #92 Dec 9/1998 (5 hrs 20 mins, very good quality) episode of AW,DOOL,Y&R,B&B,ATWT,GL  (all from same day) -was prev labelled as Dec 10/98


Soaps #93 (4 episodes, very good quality)

            Katie – Sept 25/2013 (Days)

            Celebrity Wife Swap – Jul 22/2014 Tyler Christopher, Ron Moss

            Queen Latifah – Feb 17/2015 (Men of Y&R)

            The View – Feb 17/2015 – Ryan Paevey Co-hosts


Soaps #94 (4 episodes, very good quality)

            The Chew Apr 1/2015 – Finola Hughes

            The View Apr 27/2015 – GH Daytime Emmy

            The Talk Apr 27/2015 – Daytime Emmy

            Dr Oz Feb 25/2016 – Maurice Benard


Soaps #95 (4 hours, very good quality)

Unauthorized Melrose Place 2015

Michael Jackson: Searching for Neverland 2017 (Lifetime movie)


Soaps #96 (some commercials removed, very good quality)

The Talk Mar 20/2017 Heather Tom Co-Host

The Talk Mar 22/2017 B&B 30th Anniversary

The Talk May 1/2017 Daytime Emmy After Party

Like Mother, Like Daughter (movie with Michelle Stafford)


Soaps #97 ABC’s Battle of the Network Stars: (aired Summer 2017, 10 episodes, 3 dvds, excellent quality)

The series, which pits teams of celebrities from multiple eras against each other in modernized versions of past challenges like Tug of War, Kayak Relay, Obstaclle Course, Dunk Tank, and Archery, boasts current soap opera stars Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans, Days of our Lives), Galen Gering (Rafe Hernandez, DAYS), Ryan Paevey (Nathan West, GH), and Josh Henderson (John Ewing, Dallas reboot).

It also stars past soap opera favorites Cameron Mathison (ex-Ryan Lavery, All My Children), Donna Mills (ex-Madeline Reeves, General Hospital; ex-Abby Ewing, Knots Landing), Shari Belafonte (ex-Janice Lomax, GH), Corbin Bleu (ex-Jeffrey King, One Life to Live), Charlene Tilton (ex-Lucy Ewing, Dallas), Lorenzo Lamas (ex-Hector Ramirez, The Bold and the Beautiful), and Vivica A. Fox (ex-Stephanie Simmons, The Young and the Restless).

Mike Greenberg and Joe Tessitore of ESPN will host the throwback series, while Cassidy Hubbarth and Cari Champion of ESPN will act as sideline reporters. Super Bowl 50 winner DeMarcus Ware and former UFC champion Ronda Rousey will be the team captains.

Stars from shows such as “Modern Family,” “Pretty Little Liars,” “Scandal,” “Melrose Place,” “Beverly Hills, 90210,” “The Goldbergs,” “How to Get Away with Murder,” “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” “The Incredible Hulk,” “The West Wing,” “Dallas,” “CHiPs,” “Law & Order” and many more will take part in the throwback to the classic series from the 1970’s.


20 teams of 5 celebrities each (100 stars)


DVD #1: ep 1-4:

#1 TV Sitcoms (Bronson Pinchot, Tom Arnold, Dave Coulier, AJ Michalka, Tracey Gold) vs. TV Kids (Joey Lawrence, Corbin Bleu, Nolan Gould, *Lisa Whelchel, *Kim Fields)


#2 Variety (Joanna Krupa, Nick Lachey, Vanessa Lachey, Gilles Marini, Jack Osbourne) vs. TV Sex Symbols (Keegan Allen, Traci Bingham, Rosa Blasi, Brant Daugherty, Galen Gering)


#3 White House (Cornelius Smith Jr., Marlee Matlin, Joshua Malina, LaMonica Garrett, Mary McCormack) vs. Lawyers (Elisabeth Rohm, Corbin Bernsen, Matt McGorry, Romi Dias, Catherine Bell)


#4 Primetime Soaps (Ian Ziering, Josh Henderson, Gabrielle Carteris, *Donna Mills, Mischa Barton) vs. ABC Stars (*Olivia d’Abo, *Shari Belafonte, Michael Fishman, Jason Hervey, Anson Williams)


DVD #2: ep 5-8:

#5 Cops (Erik Estrada, *Larry Wilcox, Kelly Hu, Jodi Lyn O’Keefe, *Lorenzo Lamas) vs. TV Sitcoms (*Todd Bridges, Leigh-Allyn Baker, Dave Foley, Willie Garson, Jenna von Oy)


#6 TV Moms & Dads (Chad Lowe, *Greg Evigan, *Ted McGinley, Lesley Fera, Jackee Harry) vs. TV Kids (*Jimmie Walker, *Mackenzie Phillips, Jonathan Lipnicki, Krista Marie Yu, Jeremy Miller)


#7 Cops (Marisol Nichols, Roma Maffia, *Adrian Zmed, Fred Dryer, Ryan Paevey) vs. Sci-Fi Fantasy (*Lou Ferrigno, Vinnie Jones, Charisma Carpenter, Kevin Sorbo, Jill Wagner)


#8 ABC Stars (*Ted Lange, Troy Gentile, *Jill Whelan, Denise Richards, Joely Fisher) vs. Variety (Lance Bass, Joey Fatone, Adrienne Houghton, Cameron Mathison, Kelly Osbourne)


DVD #3: ep 9-10:

Famous TV Families (Danny Bonaduce, Barry Williams, Beverley Mitchell, *Willie Aames, *Charlene Tilton) vs. Doctors (Thomas Calabro, Taye Diggs, Rachelle Lefevre, *Deidre Hall, Benjamin Hollingsworth)


Troublemakers (Vivica A. Fox, Paul Johansson, John Barrowman, Julie Benz, Catherine Bach) vs. TV Lifeguards (David Chokachi, Brande Roderick, *Parker Stevenson, Nicole Eggert, Gena Lee Nolin)



Soaps #98 (very good quality)

Becoming Bold & Beautiful Part 1 & 2 (cast on location in Monte Carlo) A look behind-the-scenes.

POP-TV behind-the-scenes “B&B” special titled “Becoming Bold and Beautiful,” surrounding the on location shoot in Monte Carlo last year. Stars set to appear include Scott Clifton (Liam), Darin Brooks (Wyatt), Jacqueline MacInnes Wood (Steffy), John McCook (Eric) and Rena Sofer (Quinn).

On July 8, 2016, "B&B" announced that four exciting guest stars will be appearing in the scenes shot in Monte Carlo, which will air July 25 - August 8. "Parks & Recreation's" Jim O'Heir will play Matt, "Everybody Loves Raymond" alum Monica Horan will portray Kieran in scenes with Quinn (Rena Sofer) on a plane. Environmental activist and "St. Elsewhere" alum Ed Begley Jr. and his wife, "Falcon Crest" alum Rachelle Carson, will appear as themselves in scenes at the Spencer Summit with Liam (Scott Clifton), according to TV Insider.

The Talk Mar 20/2018 (Y&R)

The Talk Mar 21/2018 (Daytime Emmy Nominations)

The Kitchen S16 Ep12 Apr 2018 (GH Carly & Peter/Heinrik)


Soaps #99 (4 eps, very good quality)

The Talk – Apr 30/2018 (Daytime Emmy After Party)

Strahan & Sara Feb 11/2019 (AMC cast)

Dr Oz Feb 22/2019 Y&R Kristoff St John

The Talk Apr 26/2019 Y&R Kristoff St John


Soaps #100

B&B Dec 22/1995 Christmas episode (good quality)-also on B&B dvd

                1999 Daytime Emmy’s Preshow (good quality)

                1999 Daytime Emmy’s (good quality)

                1997 Soap Opera Awards (good quality)

                1996 Soap Opera Update Awards (good quality)


The Young & The Restless DVD: Y&R Mar 26/1973 First episode! (good quality)

AMC Aug 12/1970 (good quality)-prev labelled incorrect as Mar 15/71

                GH 1963 – First episode (poor quality)

OLTL 1969 episode (poor quality)


The Young & The Restless DVD: Y&R Dec 7, 1984 (ok quality)

Edge Of Night Apr 16,18/1976 (ok quality)


The Young & The Restless DVD: Y&R 1987 Christmas episode (good quality)

                Soap Opera Hall Of Fame (good)

                1997 Daytime Emmy Awards (good)

                1997 Soap Opera Update Awards (good)


The Young & The Restless DVD: Y&R Dec 24/1992 (5 mins only, good quality)

                B&B June 18/1990 (good quality)

                ATWT Dec 24/1985 (good quality)

                GL Dec 24/1992 (good quality)

                ATWT Nov 11/1987 (poor/ok quality)

                GL Aug 29/1983 (poor/ok quality)


The Young & The Restless DVD: May 17/1996 (good quality)

May 17/1996 – Primetime Special: Victors shooting.

                Soap Opera Diget Awards (1990,1991,1993 – good quality)


87th Annual Holiday Christmas Parade 2018

88th Annual Holiday Christmas Parade 2019

Holiday Christmas Parade Greatest Moments 2020

89th Annual Holiday Christmas Parade 2021

The Story Of Soaps

47th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards


The Bay: The Series: (7 dvds, 4 from official, very good quality) – filed under TV dvds

1. Chapter 1- Chapter 4 Part 2 (1hr, 48 mins)

2. The Bay Season 1 Finale Chapter 4 Part 3-4 (18 mins)

3. Far From The Bay Chapter 5 Part 1-8 (28 mins)

4. Chapter 6-7 Season 2 Disc 1 (1 hr 12 mins)

5. Chapter 8-9 Season 2 Disc 2 (1 hr 16 mins)

6. Chapter 10 Part 1-5 The Darkside Of The Bay HoliBay Christmas (2 hrs, 10 mins)

7. The Bay Confessions of Bay City & The Garretts (1 hr 17 mins)


Edgemont Series 10 dvds (official – unavailable) –filed in Soaps



E! THS True Hollywood Story (Various stars, all good quality)


TV DVD #1:

THS: Sports Stars, Private Lives: Nov 4, 2006 - 1 hour

THS:  Richard Gere:  Dec 21, 2003 – 1 hour

THS:  The Dukes Of Hazzard: Jan 21, 2001

THS:  Hulk Hogan:  Dec 19, 1999 – 1 hour


TV DVD #2:

THS:  Sharon Stone:  Jan 26, 2004 – 1 hour

THS:  Goldie & Kate:  Mar 8, 2004 – 2 hours

THS:  Mark Wahlberg:  Feb 2, 2004 -1 hour


TV DVD #3:

THS:  Rosie O’Donnell:  Mar 2, 2003 - 2 hours

THS:  Missy Elliott:  Feb 9, 2004 - 1 hour

THS:  Hip-Hop Wives:  July 9, 2006 - 1 hour


TV DVD #4:

THS:  Beverly Hills 90210:  July 22, 2001 - 2 hours

THS:  Hilary Swank:  Oct 28, 2006 – 1 hour

THS:  Lionel & Nicole Richie:  Dec 12, 2004 - 1 hour


TV DVD #5:

THS:  Kirstie Alley:  Oct 20, 2002 - 1 hour

THS:  Tara Reid:  Mar 21, 2004 - 1 hour

THS:  Mariah Carey:  Nov. 28, 2001 - 1 hour

THS:  The Williams Sisters:  May 23, 2004 - 1 hour


TV DVD #6:

THS:  Lara Flynn Boyle: Feb 22, 2004 - 1 hour

THS:  Demi Moore:  June 1, 2003 - 2 hours

THS:  David Hasselhoff:  1 hour


TV DVD #7:

THS:  Investigates: Plastic Surgery Nightmares:  Nov 28, 2005 - 2 hours

THS:  Elizabeth Hurley:  Jun 20, 2004 – 1 hour

THS:  Brigitte Nielsen:  Sept 10, 2000 – 1 hour


TV DVD #8:

THS:  Snoop Dogg:  July 31, 2005 – 1 hour

THS:  Paparazzi:  Feb 10, 2007 – 1 hour

THS:  Kate Moss:  Jan 15, 2006 – 1 hour

THS:  Mary Kay Letourneau:  Jan 2, 2005


TV DVD #9:

THS:  Society Girls:  Sept 17, 2006 – 1 hour

THS:  The Bachelor:  Apr 25, 2004 – 1 hour

THS:  Lindsay Lohan:  Jun 12, 2005 - 1 hour

THS:  Robert Downey Jr:  2001 - 1 hour


TV DVD #10:

THS:  Sylvester Stallone:  Feb 27, 2005 - 1 hour

THS:  Texas Chainsaw Massacre:  Oct 1, 2006 – 1 hour

THS:  Investigates:  Curse Of The Lottery:  Sept 24, 2006 – 2 hours


TV DVD #11:

THS:  John Ritter:  Apr 24, 2005 - 1 hour

THS:  Dolly Parton:  May 15, 2005 - 1 hour

THS:  Hugh Hefner:  Girlfriends, Wives & Centerfolds:  Apr 9, 2006 - 2 hours


TV DVD #12: THS:  Women Of Desperate Housewives:  Sept 25, 2005 - 2 hours

THS:  Women Of Sex & The City:  May 29, 2006 - 2 hours


TV DVD #13:

THS:  Young Divas:  July 18, 2004 - 1 hour

THS:  Shannen Doherty:  July 13, 2003 - 1 hour

THS:  Bad Girls Of Reality TV:  Dec 5, 2004 - 2 hours


TV DVD #14: THS:  Meg Ryan:  1 hour

THS:  Olivia Newton John:  1 hour

THS:  Three’s Company:  2 hours


TV DVD #15:

THS:  Rock Star Daughters:  2 hours

THS:  Colin Farrell:  1 hour

THS:  Britney & Kevin:  1 hour


TV DVD #16:

THS:  American Idol: Girls Rule:  1 hour

THS:  Simon Cowell:  1 hour

THS:  American Idol:  1 hour

THS:  Blossom:  1 hour


TV DVD #17:

THS:  Rod & Kimberly Stewart:  1 hour

THS:  Paula Abdul:  2 hours

THS:  Carmen Electra:  1 hour


TV DVD #18:

20 Most Horrifying Hollywood Murders:  2 hours

THS:  Mean Girls:  1 hour

THS:  Naomi Campbell:  1 hour


TV DVD #19:

THS:  That 70’s Show:  1 hour

THS:  Cybill Shepherd:  1 hour

THS:  Sean “Diddy” Combs:  1 hour THS:  The Baldwin Brothers:  1 hour


TV DVD #20:

Beyonce:  2 hours

Kelly Ripa:  1 hour

Hilary Duff:  1 hour


TV DVD #21:

THS Investigates:  Spring Break Nightmares:  2 hours

Forbes Celebrity 100 Who Made Bank:  2 hours


TV DVD #22:

Jennifer Aniston:  America’s Sweetheart:  1 hour

THS:  Scarface:  1 hour

THS:  Janet Jackson:  1 hour

Angelina Jolie:  1 hour


TV DVD #23:

THS Dirty Dancing:  2 hours

THS American Pie Uncovered: 1 hour

THS Magnum PI:  1 hour


TV DVD #24:

THS Investigates:  Starving for Perfection:  2 hours

Christina Aguilera:  2 hours


TV DVD #25:

THS Tori Spelling:  1 hour

THS Jenny McCarthy:  1 hour

THS Courtney Love:  2 hours


TV DVD #26:

50 Best Chick Flicks:  2 hours

50 Hottest Vegas Moments:  2 hours


TV DVD #27:

50 Most Wicked Women of Primetime:  2 hours

40 Smokin’ Onset Hookups:  2 hours


TV DVD #28: 50 Cutest Child Stars All Grown Up:  2 hours

50 Most Outrageous TV Moments:  2 hours


TV DVD #29:

50 Shocking Celebrity Confessions

50 Steamiest Southern Stars


TV DVD #30:

THS:  Hollywood Squares:  2 hours

THS:  Jessica, Ashlee and the Simpson Family:  2 hours


TV DVD #31:

THS:  First Daughters:  1 hour

THS:  Tyra Banks:  1 hour

THS:  Diana Legacy of  a Princess:  1 hour

THS:  Real Life CSI:  1 hour


TV DVD #32: THS:  The Apprentice:  1 hour

THS:  Survivor:  2 hours

THS:  Dancing With The Stars:  1 hour


TV DVD #33:

THS:  24:  1 hour

THS:  Pink:  1 hour

20 Bombshells:  2 hours


TV DVD #34

THS:  Naomi Campbell:  1 hour

THS:  Amber Frey:  1 hour

THS:  Home Improvement:  2 hours


TV DVD #35 THS:  La Toya Jackson:  1 hour

THS:  Johnny Cash:  2 hours

THS:  The Spice Girls:  1 hour


TV DVD #36 THS:  Mick Jagger & Jerry Hall:  1 hour

THS:  Eminem:  1 hour

THS:  Lisa Marie Presley:  2 hours


TV DVD #37

THS:  Mary Tyler Moore:  2 hours

THS:  The Last Days of Jackie O:  2 hours


TV DVD #38

THS:  Married With Children:  2 hours

THS:  Sean & Madonna:  1 hour

THS:  Janice Dickinson:  1 hour


TV DVD #39

THS: Charlie Sheen & Denise Richards:  1 hour

THS:  Mischa & Kristin:  Babes of The OC:  1 hour


TV DVD #40

Primetime Emmy Awards Sept 16/2007 - includes Countdown to the Emmys (4hrs, excellent quality) 1 DVD


TV DVD #41

Dallas Reunion: Return to Southfork  (1 dvd, good quality)


TV DVD #42

The OC/Desperate Housewives Specials:  (1 DVD) 1. The View – James Denton Oct 5/05 – 5 mins

2. True Hollywood Story – Desperate Housewives Oct 2005 1 hr, 26 mins

3. The View – Alfre Woodard – Nov 10/05 – 7 mins

4. Conan OBrien – Ben McKenzie 8 mins

5. Jay Leno – Rachel Bilson 9 mins

6. The View – Peter Gallagher Nov 10/05 – 7 mins

7. Letterman – Rachel Bilson Feb 22/05 44 mins

8. Punk’d S5 #5 – Ben Mckenzie – 20 mins


TV DVD #43

Friends Specials (2 dvd set):

DVD #1:

CNN People In The News - Friends (39 mins)

Revealed – David Schwimmer (43 mins)

Entertainment Tonight (13 mins)

TV Tales (18 mins)

Tonight Show with Jay Leno – Friends (47 mins) May 2004

Oprah – Friends (31 mins) May 2004

DVD #2:

Dateline – A Farewell To Friends (1 hr, 28 mins)


TV DVD #44

Buffy Specials:#1 (1 dvd)  

Sarah Michelle Gellar – Regis (excellent quality)

Hypaspace – Buffy (excellent quality)

Sarah Michelle Gellar - Conan O'Brien

Buffy Biography (A & E, excellent quality) May 2003

Seth Green (David Letterman, “The Italian Job”, excellent quality) June 2003

Awards Clip

Punk’d – Ashton Kutcher plays a joke on Eliza Dushku (approx 5-10 mins, excellent quality) Oct 2003

Punk’d – Ashton Kutcher plays a joke on Seth Green (approx 10 mins, excellent quality) Nov 2003

Angel WB Promo (good quality)

Backstory – Buffy the Vampire Slayer (good/excellent quality).

Revealed with Jules Asner (Sarah Michelle Gellar), excellent quality

Sarah Michelle Gellar – Conan O’Brien show (some static)

Sarah Michelle Gellar – David Letterman (some static)

Sarah Michelle Gellar - Today


TV DVD #45

Buffy Specials:#2 (2 dvd set)

Buffy & Angel Cast Interviews & Clips 2004 (2 dvd set, approx 6 hours total, good quality)

(Please note: The shows listed below are only clips not the complete episode or show.)

DVD #1

Ryan Seacrest: David Boreanaz (Jan 13/04)

Craig Kilborn: Eliza Dushku (Jan 16/04)

Jimmy Kimmel: David Boreanaz (Jan 21/04)

The View: David Boreanaz (Jan 26/04)

Sharon Osbourne: David Boreanaz (Feb 3/04)

Ellen DeGeneres: Seth Green (Feb 4/04)

Ryan Seacrest: Angel Cast (Feb 4/04)

Sharon Osbourne: Michelle Trachtenberg (Feb 11/04)

Buffy Bites: Makeup

Emma Caulfield: Singing Selfless (Buffy Season 7)

Ryan Seacrest: Michelle Trachtenberg (Feb 16/04)

That 70’s Show Part 1: Alyson Hannigan (Feb 18/04)

Euro Trip Promo: Michelle Trachtenberg (Feb 22/04)

Ryan Seacrest: Eliza Dushku (Feb 23/04)

Jimmy Kimmel:  Eliza Dushku (Feb 23/04)

Craig Kilborn: Michelle Trachtenberg (Feb 24/04)

Access Hollywood: Sarah Michelle Gellar (Feb 25/04)

That 70’s Show Part 2: Alyson Hannigan (Feb 25/04)

Sharon Osbourne: Eliza Dushku (Feb 26/04)

Extra: Scooby Doo 2 (Mar 22/04)

Ellen DeGeneres: Sarah Michelle Gellar (Mar 23/04)

Sarah Michelle Gellar: Extra/ET/Access Hollywood (Mar/04)

The Simpsons: Sarah Michelle Gellar (Mar 28/04)

Married with Children: David Boreanaz (old clip)

Touched By an Angel: Alyson Hannigan (old clip)


DVD #2

Sharon Osbourne: Julie Benz (Apr 13/04)

MAD TV: David Boreanaz (old clip)

E! News: James Marsters haircut on Ryan Seacrest (Apr 27/04)

Sharon Osbourne: James Marsters & Ghost of the Robot performance (Apr 28/04)

Sabrina: Clare Kramer (old clip)

Craig Kilborn: Charisma Carpenter (May 6/04)

The Division: Charisma Carpenter (May 9/04)

Regis & Kelly: David Boreanaz (May 17/04)

MAD TV: David Boreanaz (old clip)

World Stunt Awards: Sarah Michelle Gellar (May 26/04)

Carson Daly: Eliza Dushku (Jun 4/04)

ET: Sarah Michelle Gellar The Grudge (Jun 21/04)

All My Children: Sarah Michelle Gellar (old clip)

Sarah Michelle Gellar: E! News/Extra Comic Con (July 27/04)

Access Hollywood: Michelle Trachtenberg (Aug 9/04)

Ryan Seacrest: Seth Green Without A Paddle (Aug 13/04)

Carson Daly: Seth Green Without A Paddle (Aug 12/04)

Monk: Emma Caulfield (Aug 15/04)

Regis & Kelly: Seth Green Without A Paddle (Aug 19/04)


TV DVD #46

Buffy Specials:#3 (1 dvd)

James Marsters:  Vulkon Convention, April 26, 2003  (approx 2 hrs, good quality)

James Marsters (approx 1 hour), plus Kennedy and Clem

 Angel Season 4 Behind The Scenes -Hypaspace –  Angel, Cordi, Lorne, Gunn, Wesley, Fred all talk about the show (approx 20 mins, excellent quality)

Buffy Season 7 Behind The Scenes – Hypaspace – Spike, Tara, Zander, Joss, Dawn talk about show (approx 20 mins, excellent quality)

Eliza Dushku - Hypaspace – (only a couple minutes)

Buffy Unaired Pilot (very poor quality on the unaired pilot, approx 25 mins)


TV DVD #47

Dateline: “Going For The Gold” Golden Globes special Jan 13/2008 (2 hrs, great quality)

Golden Globes Jan 13/2008 (1 hr, great quality)


TV DVD #48

The View: Feb 7,8,9,10,11/2005 (good quality)

(Desperate Housewives, Maurice Benard, The OC)

Feb 7-Teri Hatcher

Feb 8-Felicity Huffman

Feb 9-Marcia Cross

Feb 10-Nicolette Sheridan, Maurice Benard

Feb 11-Eva Longoria


TV DVD #49

Desperate Housewives special: Sorting Out The Dirty Laundry (good quality)

Barbara Walters: Teri Hatcher (good quality)


TV DVD #50

The OC Specials: (good quality) 1-The OC: Obsess Completely

2-Welcome To The OC – Day In The Life

3-Star Inside The OC


TV DVD #51

Beverly Hills 90210: 10 Year Reunion (good quality)


TV DVD #52

Midnight Massacre: The Donnelly Murders (good quality)


TV DVD #53

Las Vegas Season 2 eps 6-10

Crossing Jordan Season 4 ep #7 (crossover episode with Las Vegas)


TV DVD #54

Las Vegas Season 3 eps 1-4

Crossing Jordan Season 5 ep #2 (crossover episode with Las Vegas)


TV DVD #55

Jimmy Kimmel: Eclipse Twilight Saga Jun 23/2010 (1 hr)

Jimmy Kimmel: Tom Cruise Jun 25/2010 (1 hr)

Oprah: Eclipse May 13/2010 (1 hr)

Oprah: Tom Cruise May 14/2010 (1 hr)


TV DVD #56

Oscars: The 42nd Annual Academy Awards (Feb 27, 2011 host James Franco, 3hrs 15 mins, excellent quality)


TV DVD #57 (excellent quality)

Road to The Oscars Feb 2011 (30 mins)

Etalk Oscars (30 mins)

Red Carpet (1 hr, 30 mins)